Monday, March 7, 2011

Customer seen running from Cafe!

One of our regular customers was telling amusing stories at other peoples expense last week when they observed Tina, their fitness instructor/personal trainer through the window heading towards the café.  We quickly disposed of the crumbed plate in front of our customer, at the guilty customer’s request.
‘Good mornings’ and ‘how are you are goings’ were taking place between the customer and Tina when Di  (our famous barista)popped out with a plate, laden with two pieces of cake and asked the customer if they would like extra cream!  The customer, horrified at the implications, leaped up and left the café hurriedly.  Di, with a big grin on her face says sorry but she couldn’t resist setting the customer up!
By the way, well done to Tina with the great work she is doing on the Island getting us up and moving (Di seems to be able to get people moving too!).

1 comment:

  1. Di was great in getting the customer moving - in my PT sessions with them I hadn't seen such agility and speed :)
